Presentation of "1983," a New Book by Anthony Saidy

Welcome to “1983, a Dialectical Novel” – the new book from Anthony Saidy which imagines an alternative storyline to the final decades of the Soviet Union.

Event Venue:

Russian Bookstore No.21
174-176 5th Ave, Suite 200

Event Date:

November 12, 2013, 7:00 PM

1983, A Dialectical Novel

Seagull Press,

Out of the ferments of the final decades of the Soviet Union, when no spy agency foresaw major change in that totalitarian state, the author projects an alternative reality. Instead of the pseudo-liberation that would come, what if change had issued from two vital groups in society: dissident intellectuals, from whom the West heard much, and the working class— correspondingly little? Could the two groups, who appeared alienated from each other, somehow mesh, and bring about a new society?

The State has ordained that head and sinew shall remain sundered. The debating intellectuals try to master history, personifying the trends of elitism, anarchism and reformism. Only one of them, Valya, has gone deeper, to identify how radical change will come. Meanwhile Ivan the well-trained Soviet worker strives to master daily life. Then a war in Asia destabilizes everything. 1983 limns the Russian revolution that might have been.

Bernard Wolfe , author of Trotsky Dead, called 1983 “Magnificent. I was most moved.”

Harrison Salisbury, famed Soviet correspondent of the N.Y. Times, called it “...fascinating... full of interest and insight into the stress and strains of Soviet society—and, to be certain, I found the analysis of Soviet ‘Marxism’ extraordinarily revealing, incisive and penetrating.... I cannot but be reminded of Chernyshevsky’s What is to be Done.... The characters are so much alike in their questing idealism.... it has the strong ring of truth about it.” Susan Weissman , PhD, author of Victor Serge, called it a “political, dialectical page turner.”

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Энтони Сейди 1983 Диалектический роман (на английском языке) Anthony Saidy , a retired physician in California, sojourned four times as a chess master in the USSR. His classic work, The March of Chess Ideas, is now available as an app from

Anthony Saidy, 1983, a Dialectical Novel. Seagull Press 204 pages, ISBN 9780989086202.
$19.95. Shipping/ Handling $4.00.
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Owings Mills, MD 21117

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516 Academy Ave
Owings Mills, MD 21117

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